
Posts Tagged ‘St. Patrick’

Halloween Parade
halloweenparade17The party of horror is celebrated October 31st each year,
this parade goes thru the Greenwich Village and it’s one of the
most creative, with thousands of people wearing their masks and
costumes looking for trick or treat! You can actually participate in
the parade if you show up early!
The Show goes down of Sixth Avenue until 23th street




Thanksgiving parade

DSCN9857Celebrated the 3rd Thursday of November the Macy’s Thanksgiving day
parade features it’s world wide famous huge cartoon characters
balloons, dancers and music.
The route has changed this year but it always finish at Macy’s,
34th And Broadway, this is due to the amount of people that
gathers for this event, sometimes its practicably impossible to
see the people marching in parts or the way. 




Gay Pride Parade
DSCN0449Celebrate equality in the city that gave birth to the LGBT movement in the world
and prepare to party NYC’s style !! With events all around The Greenwich Village,
Chelsea and around.
The march initiated in remembrance of what is known as the Stonewall riots in
the 70’s where the fight back for equality rights started.




St. Patrick’s Day
st_patrick_parade8Irish immigrants in NYC started this parade as back as 1766 and it’s now
one of the most organized parades with a populous 150.000 souls
marching along 5th Av with epicenter in the St. Patrick’s Church.
Wearing something green and getting to the bone in Jameson and
Guinness its part of the tradition!




Chinese new Year


This festivity is celebrated all around the world and in NYC’s for a whole 2 weeks,
Chinatown its a party! Celebrated according to the Lunar calendar this event is in
January or February.
Dragons, firecrackers, money givers and musical parades are mixed with the smell
of food cooking down in the street. Each year there are theatrical plays, concerts
, parades, food stalls and everything is chaotic, such as if it was in Beijing.


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